Props for story telling

This week I've been sewing!  I love using props when reading or telling stories to young children, and usually collect items to use in local charity shops.  This week I've been making some of my own.

Why use props when story telling?

  • help children to feel part of the story
  • bring the characters to life
  • add another dimension and learning style - visual as well as auditory
  • encourage children to interact with the story and the characters
  • encourage talk about the story
  • encourage open-ended questions and answers
  • help develop listening skills and encourage language

After the story-telling...
  • children use the props to re-tell the story
  • children develop their own narrative to go with the props
So here's what I've been making:

The Gingerbread Man...

The Pigeon from "Don't let the pigeon drive the bus" by Mo Willems...

The caterpillar's cocoon from "The Very Hungry Caterpillar"...

And the space rocket from the rhyme "Zoom, zoom, we're going to the Moon"...

All my props are made from felt, my own designs or from pictures found online.

For more story inspiration see my pinterest boards:

And It's all about stories is now on facebook at



  1. That pigeon is adorable!! Just as quirky and cheeky looking as his paper double!

    1. Thank you! I just sort of traced him and cut out the body and all the extras from felt. The legs are little plaited strings of black wool!
