
Story Cafe ~ JULY 2024

Story Café is a stay and play session with a focus on Communication and language development, with an emphasis on the benefits of sharing stories together. We share a story with props, play and explore around the story with activities, enjoy a healthy snack and finish with songtime. Each child takes home a free picture book and a sticker. Story Cafe sessions are FREE, including all activities, picture book and snack for children and adults, and led by our teacher / Communication Champion. This month we shared...

The Woods by Rob Hodgson

We met actually in the woods to share this story, which was lovely.  We sat under the big tree, shared the story, went on a little scavenger hunt, hunted for the rabbits in the trees, blew the most enormous bubbles, and played some parachute games.

Listen to and watch the story here - https://youtu.be/xaTkqWebciM?feature=shared 

Published by Frances Lincoln Find out more here - https://www.robhodgson.com/the-woods and here - https://www.booktrust.org.uk/book/t/the-woods/ 

The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas

The Colour Monster's feelings are all mixed up. Let's try and sort them out. A great story to illustrate feelings. Our message today - all feelings are OK. Name the feelings, talk about them, and the little ones will soon have a language of emotions to help them when they need it. 

Listen to and watch the story here - https://youtu.be/W6wIEp-M4tg?feature=shared 

To find out more about children's communication and language development, if you are a parent or a practitioner, take a look at my Padlet for tips, advice and inspiration.  Story Cafe Padlet here

Blog | www.itsallaboutstories.blogspot.co.uk
Facebook | www.facebook.com/itsallaboutstories/
Padlet | https://padlet.com/nickyhudson2/story-caf-resources-for-parents-carers-practitioners-komp17c3vocg5xhx 
Pinterest | uk.pinterest.com/allaboutstories /
Instagram | @nickyhudson2436
Buy me a nice cup of tea | https://buymeacoffee.com/itsallaboutstories 

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