
Story Café ~ JUNE 2024

Story Café is a stay and play session with a focus on Communication and language development, with an emphasis on the benefits of sharing stories together. We share a story with props, play and explore around the story with activities, enjoy a healthy snack and finish with songtime. Each child takes home a free picture book and a sticker. Story Cafe sessions are FREE, including all activities, picture book and snack for children and adults, and led by our teacher / Communication Champion. This month we shared...

Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak 

Published by Penguin Books.  Find out more here -  https://www.penguin.co.uk/books/322742/where-the-wild-things-are-by-sendak-maurice/9780370007724  And watch the story on youtube here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALmNPxNehYE

And here's a lovely short piece linking the story to how we deal with our children's feelings - https://childpsychotherapy.org.uk/resources-families/exploring-childrens-books/where-wild-things-are 

Where the Wild things are is a classic, perfect for bedtime. Here's what we did.

Hooray for Fish by Lucy Cousins 

Perfect for sharing.  Colourful and bright illustrations and rhyming text. Can you spot the pineapple fish? And the strawberry fish? And can Little Fish find Mummy Fish?  Listen to and watch the story here - https://vimeo.com/52877670.  Published by Walker Books Find out more here - https://www.booktrust.org.uk/book/h/hooray-for-fish/

The Book with No Pictures by B J Novak

Play with technology for 0-3s with funny sounds and words and the Bla Bla Bla app.  On iPhones here - https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/bla-bla-bla/id430815432 and on the web here - https://www.lorenzobravi.com/blablabla/ 

Listen to BJ Novak himself reading the book here - https://youtu.be/SiiS2NDkfI4?si=fvRfcLn7jgJD6DZA 

The Book with No Pictures is published by Penguin Books.   Find out more here - https://www.booktrust.org.uk/book/t/the-book-with-no-pictures/ 

To find out more about children's communication and language development, if you are a parent or a practitioner, take a look at my Padlet for tips, advice and inspiration.  Story Cafe Padlet here

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Facebook | www.facebook.com/itsallaboutstories/
Padlet | https://padlet.com/nickyhudson2/story-caf-resources-for-parents-carers-practitioners-komp17c3vocg5xhx 
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Instagram | @nickyhudson2436
Buy me a nice cup of tea | https://buymeacoffee.com/itsallaboutstories 

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