
A Story Café | How do Dinosaurs go to School

Some of the children who come to Story Cafe are off to big school in September, some are off to nursery or preschool, and some will be coming back to see us in September.  So our stories today are about transitions to school, or nursery.  But babies, toddlers and young children go through many transitions just within a day, going out of the house to go shopping, going to the childminder or Grandma's house, going for a nap or to bed at the end of the day.  Sometimes it's good to remember that we all deal with transitions like these in different ways, all of which are OK, and sometimes it's hard, anmd someines we just need a little bit more time.

Dinosaur footprints to scribble on or to follow.  Where are they going?

So many great picture books all about dinosaurs...and transitions...

And we finished off by singing The Dinos on the Bus.  All the children took home a free picture book to share together.

As usual we talked about communication and language development in babies and toddlers using the pyramid model (below), and we stress that sharing stories and chatting as you play, from birth, will lay the foundations for speech development later on.  

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