Today's story - Goat goes to Playgroup by Julia Donaldson and Nick Sharratt. A lovely rhyming story about all the things that Goat and his friends get up to at their new playgroup.

Story Props
I made a Goat stick puppet, and had a little bag of plastic animals from the animal collection - one of each of Goat's friends in the story.
Snack Time
We shared grapes and some little sandwiches.
Carpet time at the end
We sang Old MacDonald had a school! And in his school there was a goat and some of the different animals who are Goat'a friends at playgroup in the story. We also shared Chocolate Moose for greedy goose by Julia Donaldson and Nick Sharratt.
Links to EYFS
C & L - Listening and attention - • Listens to stories with increasing attention and recall. • Joins in with repeated refrains and anticipates key events and phrases in rhymes and stories
Literacy - Reading - 22-36 months * Has some favourite stories, rhymes, songs, poems or jingles. • Repeats words or phrases from familiar stories. • Fills in the missing word or phrase in a known rhyme, story or game, e.g. ‘Humpty Dumpty sat on a …’. 30 to 50 months • Joins in with repeated refrains and anticipates key events and phrases in rhymes and stories. • Beginning to be aware of the way stories are structured. • Suggests how the story might end. • Listens to stories with increasing attention and recall. • Describes main story settings, events and principal characters. • Shows interest in illustrations and print in books and print in the environment. • Recognises familiar words and signs such as own name and advertising logos. • Looks at books independently.
I know, sharing stories and all the brilliant things we did at story cafe link to many more aspects of the EYFS and especially the characteristics of effective learning (learning dispositions).
Goat goes to playgroup on YouTube here
And It's all about stories post on books for going to school here
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