This time Hannah has chosen “Where’s My
Teddy?” by Jez Alborough. I remember her Dad reading her this but what does she remember about it?

WHEN WAS I READING THIS BOOK - I’m not sure when I was read “Where’s My Teddy?” by Jez Alborough for the first time, although it was probably when I was really young and as I was growing up because I remember me and my brother have always liked it.
THE REASON I LOVE THIS BOOK - I love this book because I think it’s a
bit different to other books for young kids. The story is really interesting
especially as little Eddy doesn’t seem too scared in the woods without his mum.
This setting of the story in the woods is like a fairy tale although the forest
in this book doesn’t seem so scary or as dangerous but it’s still quite
sinister and a great setting.
MY FAVOURITE PART IS… - My favourite part of this book is probably when
the bear finally finds his teddy and the bear and Eddy both scream at each other
and their teddies. I think it’s a great way to show their surprise and is funny
because they say almost the same thing to each other. I also really like the
rhyming of the story and the way the rhyme makes the story move along steadily
as the reader reads it. Rhymes are great to read to little children as well to
keep them interested and so they can hear the sounds.
LOVING THE ILLUSTRATIONS OR NOT - The illustrations in this book aren’t
my favourite illustrations of a picture book but they are still great and
really help to tell the story. The dark colours all help the forest to look dark
and mysterious but when we meet the characters we know we shouldn’t be too scared.
They are painted so the colours work really well and the crowd of tall thin
trees help to make the woods look really enclosed and spooky.
WHO READ ME THIS BOOK - “Where’s My Teddy?” is my dad’s favourite
picture book along with the rest of Jex Alborough’s books so it was one of the
stories that my dad always used to read to me and my brother. It was different
because mostly my mum read books with me and my brother but my dad reading this
one was great too just in a different way.
Check out the previous post in the On Hannah’s Bookshelf series - “The Baby Who Wouldn’t Go to Bed” by Helen cooper
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